Understanding Basics of Lenses

February 1, 2017

Lenses is perhaps on of the toughest topics learning Haskell, even though they accomplish a very simple task, one that’s trivial in imperative languages. The reason for this is that for a purely functional programming language with immutability this is hard to get around.

In this post I’ll try to skim the basics of what I’ve learned.

The metaphor for lenses is that lenses can be stacked up (composed) like a microscope to see deeper into a structure. The nice this is that you can use a lens to either see down into the structure or modify it.

So you might have heard a lens is a setter and a getter bundled up in a single thing. So given a set of setter and getter for some data type we should be able to construct a lens.

The whole purpose of lenses is that they compose, so we can dig into a deeply nested structure and focus on that element, after which we will have to use some other utility functions to extract the setter and getter, and either update or just inspect the value.


We’ll start defining the naive lens as is shown in other tutorials like (this)[]


Creating a Lens from Setter and Getter

The derivation of the shape of the lense is kind of magic and I don’t fully understand how on would arrive at it. So I’ll just state it here and then show we can transform a lense into a setter getter and some other useful things.

A lens is:

type Lens' s a = forall f . Functor f => (a -> f a) -> (s -> f s)

you can think of it as focusing on an “a” inside a structure “s”. Or something that give an “s” can focus on an “a”.

So given a setter and a getter for some value inside s we can build a lens

createLens' :: Functor f => (s -> a) -> (s -> a -> s) -> (a -> f a) -> (s -> f s)
createLens' getter setter f s = fmap (setter s) $ f (getter s)

So this can be thought of like this: f (getter s) just takes the value inside s and puts in some container (functor) (setter s) :: a -> s is waiting for a new value to return an updated s, so fmapping it will yield a new s inside the functor. When analyzing these functions pay attention to what argument names bound to in the type signature.

Note that f :: (a -> f a) and is applied to (getter s) :: a yielding an f a, since (setter s) :: a -> s it follows that (setter s) <$> (getter s) :: f s

Extracting the getter (view) (^.)

view :: Lens' s a -> s -> a
view l s = getConst $ l Const s

(^.) = flip view

Extracting Setter (over) (%~)

over :: Lens' s a -> (a -> a) -> s -> s
over l f s = runIdentity $ l (Identity . f) s

Defining Utilities

(&) = flip ($)
toListOf l = getConst . l (\x -> Const [x])

Further reading

Lenses work on product types but prism extend the idea to sum types.